Cash flow modelling in Python - cashflower

cashflower is an open-source Python package for actuarial cash flow modelling.



If you are a business professional, we would like to cooperate with you. We propose to move one of your actuarial cash flow models from the commercial software (e.g. FIS Prophet or Risk Agility FM) to Python. We believe it is a win-win situation.

Your win:

  • you will have one of your models moved to Python for free,
  • you can decide if moving to Python satisfies your needs,
  • if you decide to move away from commercial software, you will have additional financial resources for other needs (e.g. analysis, documentation, or automation).

Our win:

  • we make sure that cashflower is up to complex and demanding real-life models,
  • we get to know the expected runtime and needs for data processing,
  • we receive valuable feedback.

If it sounds interesting to you, please contact us.


If you are an education professional, we would be happy to get into contact. We believe that real-life problems solved using programming language can enhance the learning process. That's why we would like to support you with using Python for teaching actuarial science. We have prepared some exemplary exercises that we can share with you.

Your win:

  • you will receive materials with exemplary exercises,
  • you will get technical and knowledge support for you and your students.

Our win:

  • we will better understand your needs and adjust cashflower for them,
  • we will receive valuable feedback.

If you are interested, please fill in the survey or contact us.